When it comes to watering your plants, there are two main methods: bottom watering and top watering. Both of these methods have their own benefits, but in general, most plants do best with a combination of both top and bottom watering.
In this article, we will discuss the basics of each type of watering – what they are, when they should be used, and what plants they are best for. We’ll also give you a few tips on how to make sure your plants get the right amount of water using either method.
Defining Bottom Watering
Bottom watering is an easy way to water house plants without the risk of over-watering. Bottom watering is when you apply water to plants from the bottom up so that your plant’s roots get wet and can get enough oxygen through its soil.
This also removes any air pockets in the soil, which can prevent water from being able to reach the roots. Your plant’s roots will absorb water from the bottom up, and this is a safe way to water plants without getting any of the leaves wet.
However, if you do bottom water your plants, make sure that it isn’t sitting in a tray or container as this can cause mold and root rot issues. This is a safe way to water plants, so you do not have to worry about over-watering any of your indoor house plants.
Bottom Watering Vs. Top Watering
There are pros and cons to both bottom watering and top watering plants. With bottom watering, the water can more easily reach the roots of the plant, which is good for plants that need a lot of water.
However, it can be more difficult to tell when the soil is wet and when it is not, so it is easy to overwater plants using this method.
Top watering, on the other hand, is the traditional way of watering plants from the top, as the name suggests. With top watering, the water is less likely to reach the roots of the plant, but it is easier to tell when the soil is wet and when it is not. This can be helpful for plants that do not need a lot of water.
Top watering has the upside of not requiring you to lift heavy potted soil. However, another downside is the soil may not get enough water because of gaps or channels in the structure of the soil. This may also result in your leaves getting wet, and this can lead to mold, rot or mildew problems for your indoor plants.
Benefits of Bottom Watering

Bottom watering your plants comes with a myriad of benefits for both the plants and the gardener. When you water from the bottom, the plant’s roots will soak up all the water they need, and you won’t have to worry about over or underwatering your plants.
Additionally, here are some other benefits of bottom watering your plants:
- Water gets deep down to the roots of your plants.
- Evaporation is reduced by 80% compared to traditional top watering.
- Plants don’t get waterlogged and can still access oxygen.
- Roots will not be suffocated by too much water or thick soil, allowing for deeper and more extensive root systems that can absorb nutrients more effectively.
- Roots are able to grow new, younger branches that are better adapted for photosynthesis.
- It’s more effective at growing plants with taproots like carrots, beets and dandelions.
- It helps the plant make more roots by exposing them to oxygen rather than creating too much humidity around them.
- It makes your garden look tidier, as you won’t have puddles of water around your plants.
Bottom watering also makes your plants healthier. It prolongs their lives by making them stronger and allowing for deeper root systems that hold up better in harsh weather conditions. If you want healthy plants, make sure to bottom water them.
Disadvantages of Bottom Watering
Watering plants from the bottom has its own set of pros and cons. While it may be a more efficient way to water plants, it can also lead to overwatering and root rot.
Additionally, it can be difficult to tell if the plant is getting enough water when it’s being watered from the bottom. Here are eight cons of bottom watering plants:
Water seeping through the bottom can cause your plant to soak up more water than it needs, which can lead to overwatering issues. Additionally, if you’re using a tray or saucer under the pot, you need to be sure that it’s deep enough and large enough to catch all the water.
This can lead to a bigger mess if your saucer overflows or you don’t have a big enough tray for the plant. While the plant is drinking up the water from its root system, it may or may not need more depending on how hot and dry the climate it’s in gets.
Additionally, if your plant takes in too much water, it will drown the plant. And if your plant doesn’t drink up enough water, it could stunt your plant’s growth and may not be getting the nutrients it needs to grow.
The soil can get waterlogged
Waterlogging can lead to a lot of different problems with your plants, including root rot, damping-off fungus, and even insect damage. If the soil is waterlogged, it will prevent air from flowing to the roots, which can lead to problems with pests or diseases that are dangerous for your plants.
Additionally, if there’s too much moisture in the soil when it dries out again, you’ll see your plants become susceptible to damping-off fungus, which attacks plant roots and stems, killing the plants.
It doesn’t work for all types of plants
Bottom watering plants may be a great option for some plants and not so great an option for others. Plants that like to have wet feet will require you to water from the top rather than from the bottom because it’s the best way to tell if they have enough water.
This is also true for plants that don’t like sitting in a pool of wet soil all the time, so you will want to water them from above rather than below.
It may lead to root rot
Soil that’s too wet and soggy can lead to root rot which can kill your plant. The roots need oxygen in order to stay healthy and flourish, so you don’t want them sitting in their own dirt for too long.
If the soil is too wet or not draining well enough, it will promote root rot which kills the roots of the plants slowly but surely.
Plants that are Perfect for Bottom Watering

There are many different plants that can be grown with bottom watering. This is due to the fact that some plants can survive without being watered from the top and instead use the water and nutrients from the soil.
These plants are perfect for those who want to grow a plant without the need for any extra pots or containers. They are easier for people to take care of because it’s not as difficult when it comes to watering them.
Here are some plants that like to be watered from the bottom up:
Cissus is a great plant to start with if you’re new to bottom watering. It’s a low-maintenance plant that doesn’t need many nutrients or the correct amount of sunlight in order for it to grow.
These plants can survive without having their soil be changed very often, and they don’t even need a lot of water in order to stay alive.
You can place this plant in a very sunny area of your home so that it will grow and multiply easily. The only downside is you might not be able to enjoy its beautiful purple flowers for long because these plants don’t like having their stalk pruned.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
This is another plant that you can start with if you want to practice bottom watering. These plants are very common in homes around the world, so it’s one of the easiest plants to find when it comes to buying them for yourself.
The best part about this type of plant is they produce beautiful white flowers almost all year round. This means their flowers can be enjoyed no matter what time of the year it happens to be. It only needs a little water to survive and makes a great indoor plant because it can adjust itself well in all types of lighting conditions.
Ponytail Palm
This is a great type of plant to have in your home because it will grow well under most conditions. It doesn’t require lots of water or sunlight and can survive quite easily even if you forget to give it its nutrients from time to time.
You must, however, make sure that the soil of this plant is kept moist or else it can die very quickly. You might also need to repot it every once in a while because these plants don’t stay in the same pot for too long.
Dragon Tree
This is another tree that you can start with because it will do well in most light conditions. You can put this plant in a shady area or a sunny one and still enjoy its leaves and blooms all year round.
It doesn’t require much water and isn’t too difficult to take care of, so if you really want to start learning how to care for plants, this is a good place to start.
The key with all these plants is you need to make sure that the soil stays moist for them at all times. They are easy enough to take care of even if you forget about them once in a while, so it’s something anyone can practice no matter what their skill level is.
The best part about this type of plant is that if your soil ever dries out or you forget to water it, they will still survive. Just make sure the water doesn’t sit in the bottom of the pot because it can drown your plant and kill it very quickly.
Spider Plant
This is a great houseplant that you can start out with, and it’s one of the best plants to have in your home because it doesn’t require much water and sunlight. It will survive very well under minimal conditions, so if you ever forget to give your plant its nutrients, it should still be okay.
These plants produce beautiful white flowers with long stalks that can easily be pruned when the time is right. They make a great addition to your home and will improve the air quality around you with their oxygen-rich leaves.
They are one of the easiest plants to take care of in general, so if you want a challenge, this is the best type of plant to choose.
No matter what indoor houseplant you want to grow, make sure you’re giving it the right amount of sunlight and water. You can’t just treat these plants like regular plants because they require their own special set of rules that only experienced gardeners know about.
Understanding how much light and water your plants require will go a long way towards keeping them alive and healthy. If you ever do happen to kill one of your plants, don’t be discouraged. It could just mean that you picked out the wrong type of plant for your skill level.
The Bottom Line
Watering your plants is an important part of keeping them healthy and looking great. There are two main ways to water plants- from the bottom or from the top. Each method has its own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the right one for your plants.
Bottom watering is generally recommended for most plants, as it provides a more consistent flow of water and helps avoid over-watering. Top watering is better for when you need to water specific areas of a plant, such as the leaves or flowers.
Ultimately, the best way to water your plants is by using a combination of both methods.