We all know how important it is to keep a house in order, and a house in order means a well-kept garden. Indoor plants need potting soil just as much as their outdoor counterparts do, which is why we’re going to be focusing on this topic today.
It’s time to learn what potting soil is, how you can use it for your indoor plants and the benefits that come with using it.
Adding rocks over potted soil can help with drainage and moisture retention. It’s a great way to keep your plants healthy while making your home or garden look attractive.
Rocks can also be used to cover up ugly pots or to add some color and texture to an arrangement of plants. Many of the cheaper houseplants have shallow root systems and need to be watered every day, so drainage is a huge factor.
It’s also important to keep soil from getting too soggy. An over-watered plant can easily develop root rot or fungus gnats, which will lead to it being thrown out.
For those reasons, many people invest in a layer of rocks as “potting soil.” Just about any type of rock is suitable – small stones, pebbles, even smooth river rocks can be used. The main criterion for selecting appropriate rocks is drainage.
You’ll want to avoid things like slates, marble chips or pieces of concrete that have been treated with mortar – they will be too dense for proper drainage.
What is a Potting Soil?
Potting soil for indoor plants is a necessity if you plan on growing any type of plant inside your home. It comes in different types, depending on the plant that’s going to be placed into it.
The thing about potting soil is that it retains moisture better than regular soil does, which isn’t something that can be said about regular garden soil. This makes it a better option for indoor plants.
It will make them feel a lot more comfortable and less stressed during time periods when your home is going through a heatwave or a cold spell. There are many types of soil that can be used for houseplants, but there’s nothing better than the one that is specially made for this purpose.
Quality potting soil will provide just enough nutrients while making sure it doesn’t attract pests and insects while remaining durable enough to support your plant while it grows. This product has been around for quite some time now, and it is one of the things that has changed quite a bit during all these years.
Soil Cover for Indoor Plants

Having a thick layer of organic mulch covering your soil can have a number of advantages. Mulching will help to keep the moisture levels in your soil just right while also preventing weeds from popping up and taking away valuable nutrients from your plants.
An added bonus? A thick layer of mulch will provide a natural insulation shield for your garden during the winter months, which helps to maintain the temperature within it. This, in turn, determines how well your plants will fare during the colder seasons.
Plants that are kept indoors need to be looked after just as well. They require the same things as plants grown outside, but some people tend to overlook these small details.
Not having enough moisture in your soil can lead to the withering away of your garden. Whereas too much water might make them rot or become susceptible to mold growth.
If you have some indoor plants, then you should give them the best environment to grow in. This means you should keep the soil at the perfect moisture level.
You can achieve this by routinely watering your plants and making sure you always allow for some water to drain out. If the soil starts drying up, then you should pour in more water.
Even if you have watering done regularly, though, it is wise to apply a layer of mulch over the top of your soil. This way, it can retain moisture as well as block out any pesky weeds that might grow later on.
Covering Potted Plant Soil with Rocks
Rocks can be used to cover potting soil for indoor plants. This can help to keep the soil in place while also adding a decorative touch to the plants. It’s essential to use the right type of rocks for this purpose, as some could potentially damage the plants.
This is an excellent idea for those who have potted plants in their home. It’s even possible to make this type of decoration yourself, instead of buying it from a store.
In order to do this successfully, there are some factors that should be taken into consideration first. The rocks used as decoration shouldn’t be too small or too large. If they’re too small, it could be easy for them to get in the way of the plant.
On the other hand, large rocks could potentially damage the plant itself. Most people like to place decorative stones or pebbles on top of their potted plants in order to make them look better. If this is done correctly, there’s no reason why this can’t make the plant look beautiful.
It’s essential to take into consideration as well that some types of rocks could potentially damage the plant itself. To avoid this from happening, it’s best to use a neutral-colored rock for decorative purposes.
There are many different types of neutral-colored rocks that make good decorations. Some examples include smooth river stones like the ones used in Japanese garden ponds or marbles made out of crystal. These types of rocks can be used to cover soil for indoor plants in order to add decoration without damaging them.
Benefits of Covering Potted Plant Soil with Rocks

Potted plants need to be covered in soil. If you’re looking for a way to make your indoor plants feel more at home, adding topsoil is a great way to do it! Here are 10 benefits of covering potting soil:
Moisture Retention
Plants need water to survive. The best way to ensure that they get all the moisture they need is by making sure there’s soil covering at least the bottom two-thirds of their roots. This allows water and oxygen to reach them more easily, without relying on humid air or the plant receiving rainfall.
Nutrients Retention
The soil in the potting mix helps retain nutrients and keeps them readily available for plants to absorb during photosynthesis. Without any nutrients, plants will struggle and grow more slowly, making it harder to thrive while indoors.
Prevents Leaks and Spills
If your plant’s pot has a hole or crack, it’s important to trap the soil inside so that water won’t leak out. If you have an overfilled planter, adding soil will help keep your plant from spilling over onto other surfaces.
Prevents Overflow
If there isn’t any soil covering the bottom of your plant’s roots, it’s possible for the water to fill up the pot and cause it to overflow. This can lead to spills and leaks, as well as potentially damaging your plant and surrounding objects.
Prevents Insects
When soil is covering roots, insects won’t be able to reach them and use them as a source of food or shelter. This ensures that your plant can grow without being exposed to infestations or parasites.
Prevents Weeds from Growing
When topsoil is added to a plant’s pot, it creates a barrier between the roots and other plants in the soil. If there isn’t any soil at all, there’s nothing to stop weeds from growing and competing for resources.
More Hygienic
There’s less risk of dust or dirt falling off the potting soil and onto your plant’s leaves, giving them a dusty coating that can make it harder for them to breathe and stay healthy. Keeping your plant clean will help it grow faster while indoors.
When you add soil to your plant’s pot, it helps create a barrier against temperature fluctuations. Weather can be harsh for houseplants, so trapping the soil inside will allow them to survive anything from hot summer days to frosty winter nights.
Adds Weight
Heavy pots are less likely to tip over than lighter ones. If you’re concerned about your indoor plant’s safety, adding soil to the top of its roots could help keep the pot steady if the wind starts blowing or if it gets bumped into.
Proper Health
Plants that are well-cared for will grow faster and look healthier than those that aren’t well-tended to. If your houseplant is covered in soil, it’s less likely to be struggling and will therefore thrive indoors rather than languishing on a windowsill or countertop.
Placing Rocks at the Bottom of Your Indoor Plant Pots
Many indoor plants benefit from having rocks in the bottom of their pots. When you add just a couple of small stones to each container, you can improve drainage while aerating the soil and preventing your plant from being overwatered.
Rock barriers also exist that can prevent crawling insects from reaching a beloved houseplant, and they keep any weeds at bay while protecting young seedlings. Lastly, using leftover potting soil with rocks is a great way to upcycle it instead of throwing out what you don’t need.
Indoor plants can thrive from one or two small rocks being placed to the bottom of their pot. The key is making sure you have at least a half-inch between the rim and the stone, as well as keeping your plant-centered in the container, so it isn’t overcrowded with soil.
When you add a few rocks to a pot, it may be necessary to repot your plant. Check the soil first and make sure it is dry before transferring anything to a new container.
Small decorative stones can be used as a barrier against crawling pests, preventing animals from being able to reach houseplants or young seedlings that you have planted in the ground. Rocks also provide a perfect barrier for weeds to grow, reducing the need to pull them when they grow in with your plants.
Using upcycled potting soil is another great way to add rocks to the bottom of your pots. Don’t discard old soil that has been sitting around and collecting pests or fungi. Instead, use it as a top layer when planting. It will act as a barrier to keep any existing bugs out, and it will make sure the soil is aerated.
The Bottom Line
Adding soil to a plant’s pot can be beneficial in many ways, from keeping the plant clean to ensure that insects don’t eat it alive. Adding rocks at the bottom of pots is also useful for preventing weeds and creating drainage holes, which gives your houseplants an opportunity to thrive indoors during every season.
All in all, using potting soil when planting is a good choice for any indoor gardener. Whether you’re planting a tree or a bush, this simple technique will give your plant the boost it needs to grow and flourish inside.